Quarterly Operational Planning (QOP) is a proven, highly effective program designed to enhance earnings and cash flow by improving team accountability, communications, and alignment throughout. 

The goal is to translate your vision and strategic initiatives into an action plan that is a repeatable process with a clear link to improving overall organizational effectiveness while achieving the identified growth and profitability goals.

Benefits of the Quarterly Operational Planning (QOP) Process

The QOP Process is an ongoing focusing program designed to focus your organization’s energy toward addressing priorities that support the achievement of the growth and profitability goals. 

This process:

  • Defines key priorities that support the achievement of strategic, growth and profitability goals

  • Aligns and engages team members around key priorities

  • Stimulates critical dialogue and enhances communication between ownership, management, teams and individuals

  • Provides a methodology for problem detection and performance evaluation

  • Creates ownership and accountability regarding individual and team priorities

  • Introduces best practices that improve follow-through and execution

  • Grows awareness regarding individual and team responsibilities, accomplishments, shortfalls, and improvement plans

  • Implements a “quick activating system” to maximize performance results

  • Accelerates the growth and development of the team as they collaborate to identify and address key priorities impacting organizational performance

Quarterly Operational Planning for Organizations

“There is a direct connection between a company’s financial success and the ability to communicate effectively throughout all departments within an organization. So many companies focus on process improvement while missing one of the most important processes of all: the process of communication and teamwork.”

—Phil Mydlach

The Continuous Learning Cycle

The Continuous Learning Cycle

People Growth Leads to Company Growth

People Growth Leads to Company Growth

How We Work Together

Working with the executive leadership team and representatives from each functional unit, I facilitate team awareness of successes, failures, obstacles, and opportunities within the organization. Once priorities and performance expectations are clearly outlined, we build out a plan to improve communications, accountability, and effectiveness.

Your 90-day action plan includes time commitments and progress reporting. During quarterly reviews, we will evaluate performance against plan as a group, identify any obstacles to improved follow-through, and talk through solutions.

“What differentiates Phil is the endless list of tools and methodologies that he can apply to any given complex situation. He is also strongly committed to the task and takes the time to really understand and learn about each individual business process and each individual customer challenge."

—Ralf Schoenfelder, Prince Minerals, Inc.